Meta Monday: Another Week of Your Bike Stories, Tips & Pictures

Larry and Jeffrey at the South Florida Bike Expo

Even before we headed into the South Florida Bike Expo, our email, facebook page and office were filled with fun and excited bicycle conversations with you. Here’s a taste of what’s keeping us from the rest of our work…

Lester Brown’s Plan B for the environment, which is as much movement as it is book, got a shout out from David P. on our facebook page for its celebratory call for the “Return of the Bicycle.”

Bad news about a member's stolen ride made us sad and kept us motivated.

So much talk about the Tour, I don’t know where to start. Lance is out, Contador wins no fans with his win today and lots of injuries are making for lots of grumpiness among SFBC members and friends.

JJ shared the story of an LA woman sells her car and doesn’t miss it:

And just this morning in the New York Post and Daily Mail, the ever popular new ‘bend the frame into its own lock’ bike got some serious ink. “It’s not perfected,” the British designer admits.

(Thanks to Willy for clipping these for us.) The New York Post has been giving a incredible amount of ink to bicycles, though not all of it friendly.  On Saturday they published a full page article called – wait for it – Attack of the Killer Bikes with the main claim being: “Adding miles of bike lanes will encourage more riders, but will likely lead to danger for cars and pedestrians.” From the school of Just Doesn’t Get it, the writer voices concerns about poor pedestrians stepping into the street and an assumed negative impact on local businesses who lose on-street parking. Basic common sense and research show that replacing car parking with bicycle lanes and parking actually drives more business to neighborhood shops. Somebody get this man on a bicycle!

While I couldn’t make it to the South Florida Bike Expo, Board members had a blast! Thanks to Jeff for making this fun video, introducing more and more people to what the South Florida Bike Coalition is all about.

Thanks to Palm Beach Bike Tours for this great photo of Jeff and for their excellent recap of the Expo. For some more sweet photos from Saturday, check out

Thanks to everyone for sharing their pictures, favorite blogs, etc with us. We love hearing from you. Ride on South Florida!

About Kathryn Moore / South Florida Bike Coalition

I'm the President of the South Florida Bike Coalition - a 100% volunteer organization of people dedicated to using their skills and experience to effect more, better bicycling from the Keys to Martin County.

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